Monday, May 10, 2010

ICT Report Highlights growing need for Creative’s in Ireland

A recent report undertaken by Enterprise Strategy Group has highlighted the current gap that exists in Ireland between the integration of creative learning and business skills. It shows the need for Ireland to encourage creative thinking and skills throughout the educational spectrum. The aim is to ensure that it engages people from an early age to become involved in the growing multimedia creative industry. By developing these critical skills early this should help minimise the need for ‘catch-up’ strategies for this rapidly expanding sector in the future.

The report recommended that education institutions should concentrate on teaching core knowledge and theories while emphasizing the value of practical projects, which teaches students vital real life work skills such as importance of problem solving, creativity and teamwork. Pulse College has always been at the forefront of nurturing creative talent, and with its professional recording studio’s the college is in a unique position to offer practical work experience as a major part of the course curriculum.

A similar report conducted in 1999 by Regan and Associates for the Bay Area Multimedia Partnership and Skills net in the US, also previously concluded that the convergence of the technically-innovative Silicon Valley and the artistic and creative culture of the Bay Area was the basis for the strong successful multimedia industry that has been built up in that area. With the abundance of indigenous talent there is no reason that Ireland should not follow a similar path.

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